Background documents
The Conference Secretariat had, with assistance from UNEP-WCMC and others, prepared a set of background documents related to topics and issues that will be addressed at the conference. These documents are for information purposes only, and are available here.
- Annotated list of key assessments
- Is this a place for transformative change? (Prepared by Derk Loorbach, Pepik Henneman and Pieter Vullers)
- Biodiversity Mainstreaming
- Development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework - Process and opportunities for engagement
- Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Private-sector initiatives for biodiversity
After the conference, an information document was prepared on implications that were identified in the IPBES Global Assessment (which was completed in May 2019) for development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, particularly with respect to targets.
In addition, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has prepared a background document on mainstreaming.
Printed versions of the conference program (as of 26 June) were provided to participants upon registration. The final programme is available on the conference programme pages, where we also make available presentations and abstracts during the conference.
An overview of speakers, session chairs and key people from the secretariat and organizers is available on the "who is who" pages.
CBD preparations for the Post-2020 biodiversity framework
In 2020 in Kunming in China, the Convention on Biological Diversity will adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity framework as a stepping stone towards the 2050 Vision of “"Living in harmony with nature". In its decision 14/34 the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a comprehensive and participatory process for the preparation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Information and documents relating to this process is available at the CBD home page.
The negotiations to develop the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, prior to the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, will be undertaken by a dedicated open-ended intersessional working group under the leadership of its two co-chairs, Mr. Francis Ogwal (Uganda) and Mr. Basile van Havre (Canada) and overseen by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties. The two co-chairs both attended and made important contributions in the conference program.
On 22 May 2019, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity published a notification with an information note on "Ways and means to contribute to the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework". This information note is provided in order to provide background about the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and to outline various opportunities for Parties, other Governments, and all relevant organizations and stakeholders to participate in, and contribute to, this process.