Participation by invitation only
Participation in the Conference was by invitation only. The conference was interactive in form, with all participants having contributed actively to sessions. Conference presentations were streamed live, and will be made available on this home page.
Online participation and interactivity
There were opportunities for online participation. Presentations were streamed live and made available here. There were several opportunities for involvement and interactivity during the conference, not least in sessions 3, 6 and 9 in the conference programme. The audience interaction tool Slido was used at the conference.
List of participants
A list of participants is available here. Printed versions of the list (updated per 30 June) were provided to participants upon registration.
- List of participants (updated per July 5)
- List of participants (updated per June 30)
Participation from countries
Participation in the Conference was by invitation only. Two representatives from each country were invited to attend the Conference. It was assumed that one of the two representatives will subsequently be involved in the negotiation process under the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the other will be from a different sector where biodiversity is a critical component. An invitation to governments was sent out through a notification from the CBD Secretariat on January 10. A reminder was sent out on March 8.
All registrations from country representatives had to be accompanied by a confirmation letter from the CBD National Focal Point.
The Norwegian Government was prepared to provide travel support for two participants from countries eligible for such support. The section on Travel support provides more information on priniciples and rules for such support.
Participation from organizations and institutions
Invitations were sent to relevant UN bodies and relevant international institutions and organizations, as well as to other major groups. The invitation letter from the Norwegian Environment Agency and a list of the institutions and organizations that were initially invited can be found here.
- Invitation letter from the Norwegian Environment Agency to institutions and organizations
- List of institutions and organizations that were initially invited on 25 January 2019
Invitations were also sent to selected relevant Norwegian institutions and organizations.
Participation from media
The conference was open to accredited journalists. Media who are interested in the conference may find more information in the section on media and communication.