Output from interactive sessions
We will here make available selected outputs from the interactive sessions during the conference, i.e. from sessions 3, 6 and 9 in the conference programme. The main elements of these outputs are also included in the conference report, either in the body of the report or as annexes.
Topics addressed in the open space agenda
You can here find many of the summaries that were produced by the groups on topics that were introduced and discussed during the "open space agenda" in session 6.
- Access and benefit sharing
- Aichi Target 11 is not perfect but it has worked and we should keep it
- Can_we_imagine_a_mechanism_coming_of_the_BBNJ_process
- Connectivity
- Networks_and_stakeholders_to_launch_Act4Nature
- Experience_in_implementing_Aichi_target_18
- Experience_in_implementing_Aichi_target_18_backside
- Governance_as_a_central_issue_to_find_out_where_we_failed
- How_is_the_role_of_local_community_in_conserving_biodiversity
- How_to_manage_land_use - science_and_policy
- How_to_schale_up_partnerships_with_indigenous_peoples
- Invasive_species_continue_to_be_major_driver_of_biodiversity_loss
- Land_tenure_systems_and_biodiversity_conservation
- Mainstreaming_of_biodiversity_and_culture
- Species_conservation_through_participation_management
- Bern_Convention_compliance_mechanism-the_case_file_system
- Cooperation_at_the_regional_level_to_adress_biodiversity_challenge
- MPA_Networks_of_managers_to_support_implementation_of_qualitative_aspects_of_Aichi_target_11
- Role_and_potential_of_supply_chains_for_biodiversity_conservation
Results from interactive polls
You can here find the results from the interactive polls (using the Slido tool) that were done during the conference.