Presentations and summaries 2016

Session 1

1.1 – Food systems for a sustainable future
Mr. Vidar Helgesen, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway

1.2 Addressing the global agenda: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Nik Sekhran, Director, Sustainable Development Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

1.5 – Transformation of the global food system to sustainably feed a healthy population
Dr. Sudhvir Singh, Director of Policy, EAT initiative
Presentation | 1-page summary

1.6 – The importance of national government policy for an enabling environment for sustainable agriculture
Mr. Knut Kvitvang Røflo, Managing Director, Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling AS (The Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Marketing Co-operation, Division of research and development of new feed products for livestock)
Presentation | 1-page summary

1.7 Sustainable agriculture and advancing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Presentation | 1-page summary

1.8 Achieving sustainable food systems
Dr. René Castro Salazar, Assistant Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Presentation | 1-page summary

Session 2

2.1 - Overview of past Trondheim Conferences
Ms. Ellen Hambro, Director General, Norwegian Environment Agency

Session 3

3.1 - Preserving biodiversity through active agriculture
Ms. Hanne Maren Blåfjelldal, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway
Presentation | Speech

3.2 - How agroecological intensification relates to key ecosystem services
Ms. Ann Tutwiler, Director General, Bioversity International
Presentation | 1-page summary

3.3 - Key ecosystem services for food and agriculture - the status of world genetic resources
Dr. Irene Hoffmann, Secretary, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Presentation | 1-page summary

3.4 - Key ecosystem services for food and agriculture - the state of knowledge on pollinators, pollination and food production in the world
Dr. Joseph "Dino" Martins Visitaçao, Nature Kenya.
Presentation | 1-page summary

3.5 - Key ecosystem services for food and agriculture - the status of world soil resources
Mr. Ronald Vargas Rojas, Land Resources Officer and Secretary of the Global Soil Partnership, Land and Water Division, FAO
Presentation | 1-page summary

3.6 - Ecosystem services in smallholder production systems in Western Zambia
Dr. Natalia Estrada-Carmona, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Agricultural biodiversity and ecosystem services, Bioversity International
Presentation | 1-page summary

3.7 - Exploring the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity
Mr. Neville Ash, Director, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Session 4

4.1 - Efforts to mainstream biodiversity into the agricultural sector: Examples from the GEF portfolio.
Dr. Devra I. Jarvis, Principal Scientist, Bioversity International, Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University and Adjunct Professor, Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, Morocco.
Presentation | 1-page summary

4.2 - The role of institutions in delivering the dual agenda of conservation and food security: the case of Ethiopia.
Dr. Gemedo Dalle Tussie, Director General, Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute.
Presentation | 1-page summary

4.3 - Spatial planning as a tool to mainstream biodiversity in agriculture and related sectors by identifying conservation priorities.
Mr. Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu, Public Service Department, Malaysia and University of Nottingham.
Presentation | 1-page summary

4.4 - Environmental-economic accounting for agriculture and biodiversity.
Dr. Carl Obst, FAO Consultant for SEEA-Agriculture, Director, Institute for the Development of Environmental-Economic Accounting and Honorary Fellow, University of Melbourne.
Presentation | 1-page summary

4.5 - Food from the ocean: Sustainable use and biodiversity considerations in fisheries and aquaculture management.
Ms. Elisabeth Norgård Gabrielsen, Director of Section for Fisheries Management, Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.
Presentation | 1-page summary

Session 5

5.1 - Global models and scenarios for agriculture, biodiversity and climate.
Prof. Paul Leadley, Université Paris-Sud.
Presentation | 1-page summary

5.2 - Impacts of climate change on peoples' biodiversity management for food and nutrition security: The role of biocultural assessments.
Ms. Gigi Manicad, Oxfam.

5.3 - Conserving local varieties in landraces: Agrobiodiversity in climate change adaptation.
Ms. Asta Tamang, Head of the Plant Genetic Resources Program, National Biodiversity Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests of Bhutan
Presentation | 1-page summary

5.4 - The role of biodiversity in climate-smart agriculture.
Mr Marc Sadler, Global Lead on climate-smart agriculture, World Bank.
Presentation | 1-page summary

5.5 - Linkages between trade, climate change, agriculture and biodiversity conservation.
Dr. Alexander Kasterine, Head of the Trade and environment Programme, International Trade Centre.
Presentation | 1-page summary

Session 7 (Panel session)

7.2 - Examples from tropical agriculture.
Dr. Pedro Arraes, President, State of Goias Agency for Agriculture Research and Extension, Brazil.

Session 8

8.1 - Economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for agri-food systems.
Mr. Alexander Müller, TEEB for Agriculture and Food Study Leader.
Presentation | 1-page summary

8.2 - Promoting positive incentive measures for biodiversity conservation in the agriculture sector.
Mr. Paul Melville, Senior Policy Analyst, International Environment, Policy and Trade, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand.
Presentation | 1-page summary

8.3 - Addressing food waste - the benefits to biodiversity.
Ms. Margaux Denis, General Directorate for Food, Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry, France
Presentation | 1-page summary

8.4 - Agricultural extension to attain changes in practices.
Ms. Martina Laura Speranza, Officer of the National Coordination of Extension in INTA, National Agricultural Technology Institute, Argentina.
Presentation | 1-page summary

8.5 - Transformation of food systems.
Dr. Emile Frison, International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) Member, Former Director General of Bioversity International.
Presentation | 1-page summary

Session 10

10.2 - Building partnerships for sustainable agriculture and food security.
Ms. Lorin Fries, Associate Director, Food Security and Agriculture. Initiatives at the World Economic Forum

10.4 - UNEP's support to countries to integrate biodiversity and ecosystem services into agricultural planning in the context of the SDGs.
Ms. Mette Løyche Wilkie, Director, Division of Environmental Policy Implementation, UNEP.

10.5 - How UNDP will be supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the context of sustainable agriculture.
Ms. Midori Paxton, Head, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Global Environmental Finance Unit, UNDP.
Presentation | 1-page summary

10.6 - How FAO will be supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Mr. Michael T. Clark, Senior Coordinator (Governance and Policy), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Presentation | 1-page summary

Session 12

12.1 - The Pathway to CBD COP13.
Mr. Hesiquio Benítez Díaz, General Director of International Cooperation and Implementation, CONABIO, Mexico, on behalf of the upcoming CBD COP13 Presidency.

Excursion to Frøset Farm

1. Education for a sustainable future - urban agriculture.
Ms. Hilde Opoku, Deputy Mayor of Trondheim.

2. Food Systems for a Sustainable Future - Skjetlein Agricultural School.
Mr. Stefan Preisig, Deputy Head, Skjetlein Agricultural School.